Aplysiopsis cf. formosa
Family: Hermaeidae
Flinders Pier, Victoria, Australia, 3m. 9mm long. 9 April 2002. Photo: John Chuk.
"The photos look like a species of Aplysiopsis which has not at yet been described from Australia. I did make a redescription of Aplysiopsis formosa Pruvot-Fol from [specimens collected at] the Azores, and I just looked in The Southern Synthesis (p. 973), where Bob Burn claims that he found that species from central Victoria. The animals in these pictures do look very similar - though I suspect they are rather small specimens?"
Kathe Jensen
• Jensen, K.R. 1995. Anatomy and biology of Aplysiopsis formosa Pruvot-Fol (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia, Sacoglossa) from the Azores. Acoreana, Suppl. 1995:217-230.
Authorship detailsJensen, K.R., 2002 (June 20) Aplysiopsis cf. formosa [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/aplycfform
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