Paradigmas de una Fauna Insolita: Los Moluscos Opistobranquios del Estrecho de Gibraltar
J. C. García Gómez
Published 2002. 1st Edition. Edita: Instituto de Estudios Campogibraltarenos. Serie Ciencias 20. 397 pp.
ISBN 84-88556-16-0
I have recently been sent a copy of this book by the author. It covers about 100 species of opisthobranchs from the Straits of Gibraltar with over 150 colour photos and 133 full page plates of black & white drawings illustrating aspects of body shape, colour variation and internal anatomy. The text is in Spanish. For each species there is a detailed description of the internal and external anatomy, the colour pattern, and notes on aspects of the natural history and biology, including new biogeographical data and information on egg ribbons.
This book was sponsored by CEPSA (Compañía Española de Petróleos, S. A.) and printed as a limited edition not available for public sale. Copies have been sent to a limited number of specialists and copies are being sent to libraries of research centers, museums and universities around the world. Dr García Gómez has let me know that:
' if there is high demand or interest in the book it is very possible a new improved edition (specially pictures) [could be produced], although in that case it could not be free'.
He informs me that this book is an updated version of his 1984 thesis, and some of the illustrations have appeared in his published work. This is a very useful reference work which I have already used a number of times. I hope it is possible to organise a second edition for public sale because it definitely deserves a wider audience.
Bill Rudman
Rudman, W.B., 2003 (February 27) Paradigmas de una Fauna Insolita: Los Moluscos Opistobranquios del Estrecho de Gibraltar. J. C. García Gómez . [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/brgarciagomez
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