Invertebrates - A Quick Reference Guide
Julian Sprung
240 pages, many photographs
First published 2001
Size: 8 3/4 x 9 3/4 inches.
It seems like The Forum, Miller's Slug Site and Sea Challengers receive numerous e-mails requesting information on how to keep nudibranchs in aquaria, what they eat, do they harm coral, etc.
Until now there has been no single resource to point these requests to that answers all these questions, specifically for the saltwater aquarium enthusiast. Well I just tripped over the perfect resource. I recommend this new book by Julian Sprung titled Invertebrates - A Quick Reference Guide. Julian is a well known name and expert in the marine aquaria arena. This new book is the first of its kind and includes 13 opisthobranch genera. For each genera this "Quick Guide" give: common names; geographic ranges; similar species to the genus; desirable/undesirable aquarium features; food; species considerations for aquarist's bent on keeping said species; and their hardiness in captivity. I am pleased to report that where the opisthobranchs are concerned, Julian highly recommends against their purchase and captivity. Hope this sales pitch is not inappropriate but the book is available from Sea Challengers - www.seachallengers.com for $39.95 USD.
Dave Behrens
Authorship detailsRudman, W.B., 2002 (February 5) Invertebrates - A Quick Reference Guide. Julian Sprung. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/brsprung1