Bryopsis - who eats this algae?

Various sacoglossans have been reported to feed on the filamentous green alga Bryopsis. Here are messages specifically on this topic. Use the SEARCH button on the menu bar at the top of the page for further references to Bryopsis.

Authorship details
Rudman, W.B., 2001 (January 30) Bryopsis - who eats this algae?. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

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  1. Sea slugs are reproducing in my reef tank
    From: Matt Woodworth, March 31, 2001
  2. Re: What eats Bryopsis?
    From: Cynthia Trowbridge, February 1, 2001
  3. Re: Feeding on Bryopsis
    From: Jeff Goddard, February 1, 2001
  4. What eats Bryopsis?
    From: Steve Wheeler, January 31, 2001
  5. Re: What eats Bryopsis?
    From: Mauro Basiaco, August 17, 2000
  6. What eats Bryopsis?
    From: Mauro Basiaco, August 16, 2000

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