Doto formosa
Verrill, 1875
Family: Dotidae
Known only from Atlantic coast of Nth America
Eastport, Maine, USA. July 2003. Approx 12m deep. 12mm long. Photo: Alan Shepard
The only published information I can find is the short original description, based on specimens dredged from 'off Point Judith, Rhode Island, USA" which I have summarised below:
'Body translucent white; tentacle sheaths and dorsal papillae covered with flake-like specks. Length approx 0.5 inches. Dorsal papillae - about 8 down each side, covered with numerous short obtuse or rounded small white-tipped papillae."
As mentioned in Alan Shepard's message below, this animal has been identified by local biologists with Verrill's species. Certainly this animal fits Verrill's very meagre description [and black & white sketch], in colour and general shape.
• Verrill, A. E. (1875). Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College. No. XXXIII.--Results of dredging expeditions off the New England coast in 1874. American Journal of Science & Arts, series 3, 10(55): 36-43. Plate 3, 4.
Rudman, W.B., 2003 (September 4) Doto formosa Verrill, 1875. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/dotoform