Elysia cf. timida
(Risso, 1818)
Superfamily: ELYSIOIDEA
Family: Elysiidae
Upper: Florida Keys, USA. October 2000, 4mm long alive. PHOTO: Anna L. Bass.
Lower: February 03, 2004
Location: Stocking Island, Hole n°2, Great Exuma, Bahamas, Western Atlantic. Depth: 1m. Size: 15mm Photo: Marina Poddubetskaia
This page is for animals from the Caribbean region which are similar to the Mediterranean E. timida. There may be more than one species, one of which has been described as Elysia cornigera Nuttall, 1989. See Kathe Jensen's message [#3515] discussing the possibility that E. timida occurs on both sides of the Atlantic and reviewing published studies. See also other messages and discussion.
• Nuttall, T.R. 1989. A new Elysia (Opisthobranchia: Ascoglossa) from the Florida Keys. The Veliger, 32: 302-307.
• Ortea, J., Moro, L. & Espinosa, J. (1997?) Nuevos datos sobre el genero Elysia Risso, 1818 (Opisthobranchia: Sacoglossa) en el Atlantico. Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias, 9: 141-155.
• Risso, A. (1818). Memoire sur quelques Gasteropodes nouveaux, Nudibranches et Tectibranches observes dans la mer de Nice (1). Journal de Physique, de Chimie, d'Histoire naturelle et des Arts, Paris 87: 368-377.
Rudman, W.B., 2004 (February 18) Elysia cf. timida (Risso, 1818). [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/elyscftimi
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Elysia cf. timida from the Florida Keys
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Re: Elysia cornigera from Florida
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Re: Elysia cornigera from Florida
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Re: Elysia cf cornigera from Florida
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