Bajaeolis bertschi
Gosliner & Behrens, 1986
Superfamily: AEOLIDINA
Family: Glaucidae
Known from East Pacific from Baja California, Mexico; Panama; northern Peru.
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Photographer: Alicia Hermosillo
The body is translucent reddish pink with closely spaced opaque white spots all over the head and dorsal part of the body. Scattered opaque white spots are also found over the ceratal wall, except near the tip. The digestive gland duct varies from orange brown reddish pink. The lamellate rhinophores have a translucent pink stalk, and the leaflets on the club are white with with a pink patch at the top of the club. The tip of each rhinophore is translucent clear. The long tapering oral tentacles are translucent pink with a whitish tip and two darker purplish pink bands.
The cerata are arranged in groups which are described by the authors as pedunculate arches with 2 rows of cerata per arch. While the precardiac ceratal group on each side could be described as a shallow arch, in the post cardiac ceratal groups the curve is so slight that they could be described as forward sloping rows. As in Pteraeolidia, the groups are on raised ridges sometimes described as 'pedunculate'.
They have been reported exclusively from athecate hydroids of the genus Eudendrium. The hightly convoluted salmon coloured egg masses are found on the hydroid colonies.
Gosliner, T.M. & Behrens, D.W. (1986) Two new species and genera of Aeolid nudibranchs from the tropical eastern Pacific. The Veliger, 29(1): 101-113.
Rudman, W.B., 2005 (November 15) Bajaeolis bertschi Gosliner & Behrens, 1986. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/bajabert