Bullina oblonga
Sowerby, 1897

Superfamily: ACTEONOIDEA
Family: Bullinidae


Eastern South Africa


Aliwal Shoal, Umkomaas, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 15m, July 2000. Size: 12mm. Photo: Valda Fraser.


Bullina lineata

I know nothing of this species. The only reference I can find is:
"An even rarer [than B. lineata], endemic species, Bullina oblonga Sowerby, 1897, occasionally washes up between Port Alfred and the north coast of Natal. It is more elongate, with a higher spire, finer spiral sculpture and a colour pattern of numerous fine, axial, brownish-red lines, which are strengthened in places so that they also form two diffuse spiral zones: base with a spiral band of brownish-red." ... Kilburn & Rippey, 1982. Sea Shells of Southern Africa.

• Sowerby, G.B. (3rd). (1897). Marine Shells of South Africa. Sowerby, London. Appendix, pp. 1-42

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  2. Bullina oblonga from South Africa
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