Doriopsilla carneola
(Angas, 1864)
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Dendrodorididae
Southern Australia, from New South Wales to Western Australia.
UPPER RIGHT: Port Arlington, Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, April 1980.
LOWER LEFT: Eyre Penin., South Australia, February 1985, on sponge 48mm long.
LOWER RIGHT: A, Northern Tasmania, Feb 1984, 25mm long. B, Northern Tasmania, Feb 1984, 20mm long. C, Eyre Penin., South Australia, Feb 1985, 54mm long. PHOTOS: Bill Rudman.
Ranges in colour from translucent white to deep wine red. Usually has a few white patches, sometimes in a line down each side of thr mantle, but often no white is present. The mantle is relatively firm and covered in microscopic tubercles.
Compare with Dendrodoris citrina, Doriopsilla miniata and Doriopsilla aurea.
Note added 2 Feb 2005: previously called Dendrodoris carneola on Forum
- Angas, G.F. (1864) Description d'especes nouvelles appartenant a plusieurs genres de Mollusques Nudibranches des environs de Port-Jackson (Nouvelle-Galles du Sud), accompagnee de dessins faits d'apres nature. Journal de Conchyliologie 12: 43-70.
Burn, R.F. (1962) Notes on a collection of Nudibranchia (Gastropoda: Dorididae and Dendrodorididae) from South Australia with remarks on the species of Basedow and Hedley, 1905. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, 25: 149-171.
Rudman, W.B., 2000 (March 14) Doriopsilla carneola (Angas, 1864). [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/dendcarn
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