Halgerda brunneomaculata
Carlson & Hoff, 1993
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Dorididae
Known from Japan, Guam, Great Barrier Reef, Rarotonga.
Ngatangiia, 10 metres, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, South Pacific, 20 September 2002, Coral reef. Length: 10 mm approx. Photographer: Graham McDonald.
The ground colour of the animal is translucent white often tinged with pale yellow. The dorsum is covered with a network of raise narrow ridges which are edged in a deeper yellow. In some animals the background colour of the mantle is a deeper yellow and the ridges cannot be easily distinguished. There are large rounded brownish black spots scattered over the dorsum, between the ridges. Irregular dark brown spots occur on the posterior part of the foot and along the sides, and there are small spots running along the junction of the sides of the body and the mantle. The rhinophores are translucent white with a dark brown line up each side of the stalk and the club. The gills are also translucent white with a brown line up the inner edge.
Animals are reported to reach at least 25 mm in length.
Carlson, C. H. and Hoff, P. J. (1993) Three new Halgerda species (Doridoidea: Nudibranchia) from Guam. The Veliger, 36(1): 16-26.
Authorship detailsRudman, W.B., 2006 (June 30) Halgerda brunneomaculata Carlson & Hoff, 1993. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/halgbrun
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