Noumea subnivalis
Baba, 1987
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Chromodorididae
Known only from Japan
Echizen Beach, Echizencho Coast, Japan. Depth: 7m. Size: 15mm., 11 Aug, 2001. Upper Photo: Nishina Chikako. Lower Photo: Kahoru Imamoto.
In the Baba's description of N. subnivalis he notes:
"the back is pure white (snow white) without any sign of yellow or orange-yellow spots on it. The mantle margin has a double border of orange-yellow at the edge and yellow inside. ... The rhinophores are reddish purple above and colourless below. The branchial plumes are almost entirely pure white ...."
The most important external features distinguishing this species are the scattered pointed papillae on the mantle and the colour band around the mantle margin. Rather than being two distinct bands, there is a single irregular band which gradually changes in colour from red, on the outside, to orange-yellow on the inside. The body and mantle are opaque white, the gills are white and the rhinophore clubs are deep red with white edging. [see my comments on Yasuhiro Shirai's message, and Nishina Masayoshi's message].
Compare this to the similarly coloured:
• Noumea nivalis - has a single orange-yellow band around the mantle edge; the upper half of the rhinophore club is orange, the lower white, and the white gills are orange tipped. There can sometimes be a few diffuse orange spots on the mantle.
• Chromodoris verrieri - two distinct colour bands at mantle edge: outer band red, inner band yellow. The rhinophore club is red with white edging to the lamellae.
• Baba, K (1987) A new species of Noumea from Ogi, Toyama Bay and vicinity, Japan (Nudibranchia: Chromodorididae). Venus, The Japanese Journal of Malacology, 46(1): 19-24.
• Baba, K (1987): Noumea sp. from Echizencho Coast, Japan. Janolus, 69: 2.
Rudman, W.B., 2001 (August 13) Noumea subnivalis Baba, 1987. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/noumsubn
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