Sakuraeolis gujaratica
Rudman, 1980
Family: Glaucidae
Known only from North-western India.
Holotype, 30 mm long alive. Adatra, Okha, Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat State, India. 10 June, 1971. AM C111478. Photo: Bill Rudman.
The body is pale orange, elongate but reasonably broad with a prominent pericardial swelling. The foot is colourless. The basal half of the rhinophores and basal third of the oral tentacles are translucent whitish, the rest of both being orange. The tips of the rhinophores are an intense orange. The oral tentacles are long and slender, the rhinophores being about two-thirds their length and having a slightly wrinkled appearance. The cerata are arranged in eight groups down each side of the body. The first five groups are on slightly raised pads, forming multi-rowed rounded arches. The posterior three groups consist of irregular clusters of a few cerata. The cerata are long and slender, and are usually held out from the body. The ceratal wall is translucent and colourless except for the tip which is tinged with orange. The deep wine or purplish ceratal digestive gland duct is visble throught the ceratal wall. Three small groups of cerata are found at the posterior end.
Rudman, W.B. (1980) Aeolid opisthobranch molluscs (Glaucidae) from the Indian Ocean and the south-west Pacific. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 68: 139-172.
Rudman, W.B., 2004 (December 28) Sakuraeolis gujaratica Rudman, 1980. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/sakuguja
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