Stiliger berghi
Baba, 1937
Family: Limapontiidae
Known from nthn Japan and Peter the Great Bay, Russia.
Peter the Great Bay, intertidal, Russia, Pacific Ocean, 21 July 2007, on Neorhodomela larix. Length: 3-5 mm. Photographer: A.V. Chernyshev.
Small sacoglossans with a row of irregularly arranged, and irregularly sized cerata down each side of the body. The rhinophores are tapering and cylindrical. The body wall is transparent with scattered brown patches of irregular size and shape. Smilar spots are found on the cerata, and the rhinophores have a dark brown band about one-third of the way down from the tip. The digestive gland ducts are dark brown.
Although the radular teeth are described as non-denticulate (Baba, 1937), Alexei Chernyshev [message #21055] reports fine denticles along the edge of the blade. He notes that it is a common species in Peter the Great Bay (Japan Sea) and lives and feeds on red algae, especially on Neorhodomela larix. It grows to about 5 mm in length.
Baba, K. (1937) Opisthobranchia of Japan (I). J. Dept. Agric. Kyusyu Imp. Univ. 5(4): 195-236. (Pl.4)
Rudman, W.B., 2008 (March 27) Stiliger berghi Baba, 1937. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/stilberg
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