Ceratosoma sinuata from Queensland
July 14, 2003
From: Gary Cobb

Hi Bill!
Can you tell me what this beautiful nudibranch is? I can not believe its
colours and shape!
- northeast tip of Old Woman Is off the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
- 9m depth
- date 8-6-03
- 20 degree water
- bottom varies rock, coral and little sand
Look forward to your response!!
Gary Cobb
Cobb, G., 2003 (Jul 14) Ceratosoma sinuata from Queensland. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/10272Note added 30 April 2007: Until now on the Forum this species has been considered a form of C. sinuata [see message #19854]. It is now recognised as C. flavicostata.
Dear Gary,
This is what we are at present callingCeratosoma sinuata. As you will see from the Fact Sheet and other messages, this purplish colour 'form' used to be considered a distinct species, Miamira flavicostata, and a green colour 'form' was called Miamira sinuata. I am happy with the two being moved to the genus Ceratosoma, but I am still a bit hesistant about lumping them both into one species
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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