Flabellina affinis (?) from Senegal (2)
July 8, 2003
From: Marina Poddubetskaia
Dear Bill,
Here are some Flabellina which look like those in my previous mail. These are 3 different specimens. The main differences I see are:
• very few cerata have the obscuring violet ring characteristic of Flabellina affinis (but all specimens have at least one ring)
• these specimens seem to have wrinkled rhinophores
Is it the same species? Is it Flabellina affinis?
Thank you very much for your help.
Dakar, Senegal, Eastern Atlantic., Site: Le Grand Thiouriba. Depth: 37m. June 01, 2003. Size: all about 15-20mm. Photos: Marina Poddubetskaia - Nembro website
Best wishes,
Poddubetskaia, M., 2003 (Jul 8) Flabellina affinis (?) from Senegal (2). [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/10313
Dear Marina,
Yes this appears to be the same species as in your previous message but as I say there, its identity is a bit of a puzzle. I suspect the wrinkles on the rhinophores develop into the papillae of the larger animals. It is possibly Flabellina pedata but I don't know these Atlantic species well enough to be sure
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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Flabellina affinis? from Senegal
From: Marina Poddubetskaia, July 8, 2003