Re: Elysia chilkensis? from Hong Kong

July 3, 2003
From: Bill Rudman

Some of you may have noticed a message I posted earlier today from Ken Ching in which I identified an Elysia from Hong Kong as Elysia chilkensis which Kathe Jensen had previously reported from Hong Kong. Kathe Jensen has quickly informed me that it is actually Elysia leucolegnote which she described from Hong Kong in 1990.

To save complications I have replaced the relevant messages with the correct identifications. For those of you who thought you saw a E. chilkensis message - you did, but its now been replaced.
Thanks Kathe,
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2003 (Jul 3) Re: Elysia chilkensis? from Hong Kong. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

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