Crimora sp? from South Africa
October 25, 1999
From: Ernest C.J. Seamark

Dear Bill,
Gosliner (1987) found this species from Algoa Bay in SA. One individual was collected on 17 September 1997 from the intertidal zone of Treasure Beach. What is its species ID and this increases its distribution from the temperate waters of South Africa, into the indo-Pacific.
[Treasure Beach is in Durban, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.]
Ernest Seamark
Seamark, E.C.J., 1999 (Oct 25) Crimora sp? from South Africa. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Ernest,
This species certainly has resemblances to the polycerid, Crimora lutea, but it is in fact an aberrant colour form of Jorunna sp. 2.. That species usually has scattered black patches or spots all over the mantle, each spot being made up of a group of black caryophyllidia. However in your animal the black caryophyllidia are scattered singly over the mantle. [Caryophyllidia are spiculate papillae found in a number of dorid genera]. Even though your photo is a little blurred, the characteristic black patch on the posterior tip of the foot is quite clear. Have a look at the photos on the Jorunna sp. 2. page to see a range of colout variants, including one (A) from eastern Australia which is almost identical to your photo.
Both species seem to have a wide distribution in the tropical and warm temperate Indo-West Pacific.
Bill Rudman.
Rudman, W.B., 1999 (Oct 25). Comment on Crimora sp? from South Africa by Ernest C.J. Seamark. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
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Re: Is this a Jorunna sp??
From: Erik Schloegl, November 1, 1999 -
Is this a Jorunna sp??
From: Des Paroz, October 24, 1999