Gascoignella aprica from Hong Kong
July 14, 2003
From: Kathe Jensen

Dear Bill,
Here is a photo of the strange sacoglossan Gascoignella aprica I took in the lab. It was collected at Tsim Bei Tsui, Hong Kong in April 1998. I think its size is about 8-10mm.
Tidal mudflat in Deep Bay, Hong Kong, 13 and 15 April, 1983, numerous specimens, crawling on exposed algal mat.
I named the genus in honour of Dr. Thomas Gascoigne because I collected the holotype on Dr. Gascoigne's 80th birthday, 15th April, 1983. The specific name means 'sun lover'.
Gascoignella aprica superficially resembles a small turbellarian. It is generally 2 to 8mm long when crawling. It is very flat, with no traces of rhinophores, cerata or parapodia, and the head-foot region is very distinctly set off from the visceral mass. Because of its unique anatomy I considered it was necessary to establish a new family Gascoignellidae, and new genus, Gascoignella, for this species
• Jensen, K. (1985) Annotated checklist of Hong Kong Ascoglossa (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia), with descriptions of four new species. [In.] Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the Malacofauna of Hong Kong and Southern China. Morton, B. & Dudgeon, D. (eds). Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong. 77-106
Best wishes,
Jensen, K.R., 2003 (Jul 14) Gascoignella aprica from Hong Kong. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Kathe,
Its very useful to get photos of these interesting and rarely seen opisthobranchs
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman