Doriopsilla spaldingi from Channel Ids, California
August 3, 2003
From: Bruce Wight

Dear Bill,
Johanna and I saw lots of great natural behavior on last weekends dive trip out to San Miguel Island [Channel Islands National Park, California - July 2003]. The ocean was flat and calm but the water was a cool 53 degrees F at depth. Here is one of a series of messages I am sending to the Forum showing some images I took during the two day trip.
Dave Behren's has identified this species as Doriopsilla spaldingi. It has a very distinctive neon blue line around it, and was found at about 100' [30m] so I didn't have time to hang around for the gills to be displayed. Dave was quite excited by this find as this species was described just a couple of years ago by him and Angel Valdes from 100 ft in La Jolla Canyon. So this is an important extension to its known geographic range .
As always, thanks for your help and hope you enjoy the images,
Bruce Wight
Wight, B, 2003 (Aug 3) Doriopsilla spaldingi from Channel Ids, California. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Bruce,
It is an interesting discovery
Best wishes,
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