Flabellina pellucida - Mating? - Maine, USA
August 29, 2003
From: Alan Shepard

Bill -
Here are two shots of Flabellina pellucida taken in Eastport, Maine, USA. One shot shows detail of the head while the other I believe shows a mating pair.
F. pellucida along with F. verrucosa are the most commonly observed nudibranchs in Eastport. The ones pictured were found in approximately 10m of water and were approximately 25mm long.
Best wishes,
Alan Shepard
Tolland, CT, USA
Shepard, A., 2003 (Aug 29) Flabellina pellucida - Mating? - Maine, USA. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/10859Thanks Alan,
It certainly looks like mating is in action
Bill Rudman
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