Doto coronata? from Eastport, Maine, USA
September 8, 2003
From: Alan Shepard
Here is a shot of a pair of what we call Doto coronata from Eastport, Maine. The photo is not the best as the nudibranchs were nestled at the base of a hydroid.
They were each about 8 to 10mm long and were found at about 10m on a hydroid covered pier piling that had collapsed in the water. There were many D. coronata on the piling.
As I mentioned in an earlier message this is the typical looking D. coronata in New England.
Alan Shepard
Tolland, CT, USA
Shepard, A., 2003 (Sep 8) Doto coronata? from Eastport, Maine, USA. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Alan,
You will see I have put the specimens from the east coast of Nth America, which look like Doto coronata on a separate page as Doto sp. 8 in deference to Bernard Picton's belief that that species is a complex of very similar looking species which still need to be investigated.
Bill Rudman
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