Aldisa williamsi from Indonesia

September 8, 2003
From: Roberto Sozzani

Dear Bill,
I'm back from a long trip to Indonesia and now working on thousand of photos and many many doubts, as usual...

Here is one of them: when I shot the photo, I thought it was a Chromodoris geometrica. But colors are different. Now, reading an August message, I've seen a similar photo, identified as Aldisa williamsi. Is this the same?

Location: Pandar Is. - Indonesia
Depth: 12 mt.
size: 15 mm.

Thanks for your help
Best regards

Sozzani, R., 2003 (Sep 8) Aldisa williamsi from Indonesia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Roberto,
Yes this is Aldisa williamsi
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman


Aldisa williamsi

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