Melibe minuta from Okinawa
October 1, 2003
From: Bob Bolland

Hi Bill,
Here are three images of the recently described Melibe minuta from Okinawa which I thought you'd like to have on the Forum. I've also added them to my local Okinawa page with Vic & Terry's description of the external morphology and some additional images.
• RFB #2552-H / TL: 8mm / 3m / Horseshoe Cliffs, Okinawa / 18 May '91
• RFB #2569-B / "group photo" of 17 indiv. / 3m / Horseshoe Cliffs, Okinawa / 28 May '91
• RFB #2629-E / TL: 10mm / 3m / Horseshoe Cliffs, Okinawa / 16 Jul '91 [photo of the holotype]

Thanks Bob,
It certainly looks like a miniature of some of the much larger species, quite unlike our small species, Melibe australis which has a much more chunky appearance. At such a small size I guess it is easy to overlook. Perhaps now we all have seen it, it will be found in other parts of the Indo-West Pacific.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman