Data for Noumea decussata from Japan

September 25, 2003
From: Yukari Sato

Hello Dr.Rudman,
Thank you for posting my message about Noumea decussata on the Forum. It is a really pretty sea slug. I was also surprised that it only moved when light was shone on it. Here is some data for the photographed animal:
Date: 11 May,2003
Loc: Arari, Suruga bay west coast of Izu Peninsula, Japan
Size: approx.10mm.

Best wishes,
Yukari Sato

Sato, Y., 2003 (Sep 25) Data for Noumea decussata from Japan. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks Yukari,
This background data is very valuable
Best wishes
Bill Rudman


Noumea decussata

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