Ceratophyllidia papilligera from Cuba
September 22, 2003
From: Elaine

I am enclosing a photo of what I am pretty sure is a black spotted nudibranch. He seemed to have a ridge down his back, which confused me a little when I was trying to make a positive ID.
This photo was taken near the Cay Sal Banks north of Cuba. He was on a steep wall at about 60ft.
Elaine, 2003 (Sep 22) Ceratophyllidia papilligera from Cuba. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/11012Dear Elaine,
If by 'black-spotted nudibranch' you mean Ceratophyllidia papilligera, that is indeed what you have found. Thanks for the photo. Any other nudibranch photos you have from the region would also be welcome
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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