Nembrotha chamberlaini from Bali
October 7, 2003
From: Erwin Kodiat

A member of our club [Rochmad Setyadi] took this picture when diving at Gili Biaha, Bali, Indonesia.
Date: 16 Feb 2003
[See] So it looks like Nembrotha chamberlaini is found outside the Phillipines.
Erwin Kodiat
Kodiat, E., 2003 (Oct 7) Nembrotha chamberlaini from Bali. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Erwin,
This is a useful bit of information. In an earlier message, Peter Vogt has recorded this species from Indonesia, so I guess it's time to change the information on the species Fact Sheet.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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