Favorinus tsuruganus from Sth Korea
December 19, 2003
From: Dong Bum Koh

Dear Bill,
This is a photo of Favorinus tsuruganus with Protaeolidella atra in same Solanderia sp.
Could you give me comments?
16 Nov. 2003
Moon islet in Jeju island, Sth Korea.
depth : 12m W/T : 21 degrees
Photographer: Dong Bum Koh
Best regards,
Dong Bum Koh
Koh, D.B., 2003 (Dec 19) Favorinus tsuruganus from Sth Korea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/11432Dear Dong Bum,
Aeolids which feed on hydroids, soft corals and hard corals are usually found on their food, or near by. Aeolids which feed on solitary organisms, such as sea anemones, are often found away from their food, probably because they have to move around to find their food. Species of Favorinus, which feed on the eggs of other opisthobranchs, are often found away from their food because they need to move a round to find new egg ribbons. I guess that is why this Favorinus tsuruganus is crawling on the Solanderia colony. It is not interested in eating Solanderia, but it is definitely interested in eating egg masses of aeolids, such as Protaeolidella atra, which live and feed on Solanderia.
An exception to the intinerant behaviour of species of Favorinus can be seen when they find a relatively large egg mass, such as that of Hexabranchus or perhaps a Sea Hare. On large egg masses, species of Favorinus can live their whole life cycle on the one egg ribbon, even to the extent of laying their own egg ribbon on the wgg ribbon they are eating [see Marina Poddubetskaia's recent message]
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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