Chromodoris rubrocornuta from the Philippines
November 28, 2003
From: Erwin Koehler
Dear Bill,
Here is the next one from the Philippines. It looks like a very strange colour-variant of Chromodoris fidelis, with the orange-red border of the mantle and a thin dark red line next,
but it has red gills and rhinopores. C. fidelis should have black ones.
Philippines, Malapascua island, Logon,
divesite "Gato Cave"
length 19mm
depth 14m
date 11 Oct. 2003
Any idea?
Koehler, E., 2003 (Nov 28) Chromodoris rubrocornuta from the Philippines. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Erwin,
This is Chromodoris rubrocornuta. As you have noticed it has similarities and differences to C. fidelis. The colour of the gills and rhinophores are an very obvious difference. This is not a commonly reported species so any information on it is welcome
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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