Okenia mellita from southern New South Wales
December 22, 2004
From: Leander Wiseman

Hi Bill,
I photographed this nudi on a wall at Lighthouse Reef, Ulladulla, New South Wales, Australia, at a depth of approximately 20 m on the 2nd January 2004.
Coleman's Nudibranchs of the South Pacific descibes it as of the Okenia genus.
I was hoping to find out a bit more about it ... and know what it actually is. I have seen this species on about 3 other occasions in Jervis Bay, but this is the first one I've been able to get a photo of.
Wiseman, L., 2004 (Dec 22) Okenia mellita from southern New South Wales. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/11872Dear Leander,
I retrieved your message from the large backlog that has built up while the Forum has been inoperable as it deals with Okenia mellita, a newly named species of Okenia I posted a page on yesterday.
We now know something about its anatomy, and that it is only known from the coast of New South Wales. What would be nice to know is something about its biology. We presume that like other species of the genus, it is a bryozoan feeder, but it would be nice to see some photos of it actually feeding, with a nice close-up photo of the bryozoan.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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