Chromodoris annae feeding on ascidians
February 18, 2004
From: Roberto Sozzani

Dear Bill,
I found these two photos in which a Chromodoris annae seems really interested in some ascidians (Didemnum molle). I hope this can be of interest to you.
Manado - Indonesia, December 2003, about 20 meters.
PS: This animal has a bifid rhinophore.
Best regards
Roberto Sozzani
Sozzani, R., 2004 (Feb 18) Chromodoris annae feeding on ascidians. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Robert,
This animal seems to be really interested in the ascidians, but unless we can actually see them everting their mouthparts we can't say much. We know that chromodorids are all sponge feeders so its most unlikely they would feed on ascidians. That is not to say we should believe everything we read, because that would prevent us discovering anything new. However on the whole I think this animal is just 'rearing up', as they often do, to sense the environment with its rhinophores.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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