Favorinus? from sth Queensland
February 11, 2004
From: Gary Cobb

Hi Bill!
While diving at Old Woman Island at the Wall off Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia in 9m of water I spotted this small animal, could it be a Favorinus of some sort? It was about 10mm long. It has rhinophores or tenacles that remind me of the Jetsons! Do these kind have any real purpose? It is quite an extraordinary animal that I can not ID ... have you seen this one before?
Gary Cobb
Cobb, G., 2004 (Feb 11) Favorinus? from sth Queensland. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/12110Dear Gary,
I suspect I have forgotten quite a lot of what I've seen, but I can't recall one like this. I can't be sure, but I suspect this is likely to be a species of Flabellina. I have no idea why some species have developed such elaborate rhinophores. Since they can't see very well, and are hermaphrodite, we can rule out sexual selection, so perhaps it gives them an edge in sensing chemicals in the water, and finding their prey.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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