Brown form of Flabellina verrucosa
August 31, 1999
From: Betsey Hansen

Attached are photos of the chocolate and red versions of the Maine sea slug. I believe this is the same slug I found in New York, but I didn't find anything but red ones in New York. There is also a frontal view. Length: about 1 inch (25mm).
Best wishes,
Dear Betsey,
Thanks for the photos from Maine. Can you give me a little more detail on the locality please? The brown colour form is a colour form of Flabellina verrucosa. The colour in aeolids is often a result of the colour of their food which accumulates in the ducts of the digestive gland, which are in the cerata.
Your photo of the 'red' form is very interesting because it shows an animal which is changing colour. Note how some cerata have a brown duct, some a red, but many have a bit of both. I am not sure which way the colour change is going, but clearly it has recently changed its diet.
For those unsure of aeolid anatomy I have labelled the parts in Betsey's frontal photo.
fc = the often triangular or tentacular corners at the anterior end of the foot - commonly called foot corners or anterior foot corners
m = mouth, ot = oral tentacles, r = rhinophores
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