Cadlina sparsa from California
August 3, 2004
From: Bruce Wight
Hi guys,
Here is a photo of Cadlina sparsa I took on our recent trip to San Miguel Island [Channel Ids, California] over the weekend [July 2004] with the SDUPS. Water clarity was poor, but the
place was loaded as always with branchs.
Best wishes
Bruce Wight
Wight, B., 2004 (Aug 3) Cadlina sparsa from California. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Bruce,
This is a new addition to the Forum. I have put the close-up alongside because it seems to show this animal feeding on a smooth sponge. Some other species of Cadlina feed on these 'slime sponges' [see Cadlina cf. luteomarginata], so it would be interesting to keep an eye out for whatit is feeding on.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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