Petalifera ramosa from Saba,
January 27, 2005
From: Kelly Griggs

I'm trying to ID this what I believe is a Sea Hare from my recent trip to Saba. From researching your site, the closest I can find is Stylocheilus striatus - can you confirm for me?
I am unsure of the exact dive site this was found, but as you can see from the pics, it was crawling on some algae, trailing slime as it went. I appreciate any help you can give!
Locality: Saba, Netherlands Antilles, Caribbean.
Depth: 45 feet approx. Length: 1/2 inch approx. 28 Dec 2004. on reef. Photographer: Kelly Griggs
Kelly Griggs
Georgia, USA
Griggs, K., 2005 (Jan 27) Petalifera ramosa from Saba,. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Kelly,
This is almost certainly Petalifera ramosa, which like Stylocheilus, is a Sea Hare, but has prominent multibranched papillae and low rounded tubercles.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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