Runcinella zelandica and others from New Zealand
February 10, 2005
From: Bill Rudman
On my recent trip to New Zealand, Michael Miller kindly lent me a set of slides of New Zealand opisthobranchs to fill in some gaps on the Forum. I will gradually scan and post them as I have time.
As a first offering I have prepared Fact Sheets for Pseudoilbia lineata Miller & Rudman, 1968 and Runnica katipoides Miller & Rudman, 1968. I have also included here a photo of Runcinella zelandica Odhner, 1924. This photo is of one of the animals reported by Willan (1981) which represented the first find of the species since its description in 1924. The only other record known to me is Gareth Jones' message [#6137 ] on the Forum.
Photo: Outside of middle archway Tawhiti Rahi Island. Poor Knights Ids. N.Z. 22 March 1975. Approx. 3 mm long alive. Photo: M.C. Miller [digitally enhanced by WBR]
Willan, R.C. (1981) Rediscovery of Runcinella zelandica Odhner, 1924 (Opisthobranchia: Runcinacea). National Museum of New Zealand Records, 2(2): 5-8.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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Rediscovery of Runcinella zelandica
From: Gareth Jones, February 1, 2002