Chromodoris albopustulosa from the Marshall Islands
March 7, 2005
From: Scott Johnson

Hi Bill,
To accompany my messages on Chromodoris albopustulosa from Hawaii, here are two C. albopustulosa found at Enewetak, Marshall Islands.
Locality: Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands, Pacific. Depth: 5 m. Length: 20 mm (e09), 15 mm (e11). 1982. Under dead coral on subtidal reef. Photographer: Scott Johnson
Dear Scott,
Your group of messages are very interesting. In animal e09 the yellow spots are quite diffuse and are surrounded by a translucent brownish patch, remniscent of typical C. alius, and the opaque white spots are on slightly raised pustules. Some of the white pustules coalesce into a larger white background, which is reminiscent of C. rufomaculata. Around the edge, there are purple spots which extend into the white background part of the mantle which is reminiscent of C. aureopurpurea.
As I discuss in a separate message [#13260 ], your photos are pretty good evidence that all these species are colour variants of a single species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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