Damaged Chelidonura livida from the Red Sea
March 1, 2005
From: Oren Lederman

Hi Bill,
We believe this one is Chelidonura livida. It appears that something took a bite on this one..
Locality: "The reservation", Eilat Bay, Israel, Red Sea. Depth: Approx 6 meters. Length: ~3 cm. 17 Feb 2005. Photographer: Oren Lederman
Oren Lederman
Lederman, O., 2005 (Mar 1) Damaged Chelidonura livida from the Red Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/13205Dear Oren,
Yes this is a damaged C. livida. It seems there has been some regrowth after the 'accident' as there seems to be some extra bits and pieces. The crescent of white fuzzy stuff you can see halfway along the body is part of the gills which are usually hidden under the very distorted posteriopr flaps of tissue which normally for a posterior facing funnel.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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