Phyllidiella annulata? from Mauritius
September 13, 1999
From: Erwin Koehler

This one was taken by Fred Vogt, Hamburg, Germany at Mauritius, April 1999 size and depth unrecorded.
Is it Phyllidiella annulata (Gray, 1853)?
Koehler, E., 1999 (Sep 13) Phyllidiella annulata? from Mauritius. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from added 7 November 2002: I have identified this as P. meandrina. - Bill Rudman
Dear Erwin,
My first thoughts were yes it is Phyllidiella annulata but on reflection I think it is a peculiar form of P. pustulosa in which some of the central clusters of tubercles have formed into rings. I'm afraid it all comes down to a question of definition. Brunckhorst compares the two species and says that in P. annulata there is a distinctive colour pattern of pink rings with, small low tubercles, on a black background. There is no central tubercle to each ring. He says P. annulata lacks the compound tubercles and tubercular clusters found in P. pustulosa. P. pustulosa also has a thin pink mantle border.
If this is so, then this animal doesn't fit the definition of P. annulata. I don't like saying 'something doesn't fit the definition' because 'definitions' are man-made and need to be changed if they don't fit the 'facts'. However, although this photo certainly looks like an intermediate between the two species, I think we would need further information to be sure. All I can say is that if the two are good species then I would guess that this animal is a from of P. pustulosa.
Bill Rudman.
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