Rostanga from Sri Lanka
March 12, 2005
From: Marina Poddubetskaia

Dear Bill,
Several months ago, when I dived in Sri Lanka, I found a kind of Rostanga: 2 animals under a stone 'asleep' near several egg-ribbons which looked all the same. Please, could you help me to identify this species ? My only guess would be Rostanga lutescens, but I'm not sure.
Locality: 'Goda Gala Diyamba', Unawatuna. Sri Lanka, Indian Ocean. Depth: 13 m. Length: Upper right: 15mm. Lower left: 16mm. Egg ribbon diameter: Upper: 8mm. Lower: 12mm. 08 November 2004. sandy, under stone. Photos: Marina Poddubetskaia - Nembro website
Thank you in advance for your help.

Dear Marina,
I suspect you are right to associate these animals with the egg masses. Concerning what theya are is a little more difficult. They could either be a species of Jorunna or a species of Rostanga, both genera being characterised by the 'furry' mantle caused by the dense covering of caryophyllidia. I lean towards Jorunna because there seem to be only a few gills (5-6), but I am afraid that without dissection it is not possible to be sure.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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