Discodoris schmeltziana from the Red Sea
March 24, 2005
From: Binyamin Koretz

Dear Bill,
Quite a surprise - 10 days after this nudibranch [Discodoris schmeltziana ] made its first appearance on the Forum from PNG and Hawai'i, we found it here in Eilat, crawling on dead coral in barely 2 meters of water.
Locality: Eilat, Malibu Beach, Israel, Red Sea (Gulf of Eilat). Depth: 2 m. Length: ca. 5 cm. 21 March 2005. mostly dead coral (reef table). Photographer: Binyamin and Shulamit Koretz
Best regards
Koretz, B., 2005 (Mar 24) Discodoris schmeltziana from the Red Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/13405Dear Binyamin,
Discodoris schmeltziana in the Red Sea! - It's all part of my sophisticated marketing campaign to get people interested in the Forum - I have people dropping this species at strange places around the world!
Joking aside, it is certainly interesting to get a record from the Indian Ocean region. I have been wondering if any of Eliot's dorids from East Africa or Alder & Hancock's from India were the same.and I suspect Peltodoris aurea Eliot, 1904, based on 3 small specimens approx 2 cm long, from Wasin Is., Kenya, are this species.
Eliot, C.N.E. (1904) On some nudibranchs from East Africa and Zanzibar. Part III. Dorididae Cryptobranchiatae, I. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1903(2): 354-385, Pls.32-34.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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