Favorinus mirabilis from Singapore
April 23, 2005
From: Lim Han Peng

Hi Bill,
will like to know is this a Flabellina rubrolineata?
Locality: Pulau Hantu, Singapore, South China Sea. Depth: 11 m. Length: 15 mm. 26 March 2005. Sandy bottom. Photographer: hp lim
Dear hp,
I am pretty sure this is another colour form of Favorinus mirabilis. In some ways it is very close to the original painting (Baba, 1953), in which the whole of the oral tentacles are yellow. The yellow line down the midline of the head, between the rhinophores, is unusual, but many of the photos already on the Forum show a coloured line down the midline like this.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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