Neodoris chrysoderma from New South Wales
September 30, 1999
From: Erik Schloegl

Dear Bill,
I've been looking at the Sea Slug Forum's species list, trying to find a species that I've photographed and (tentatively) identified, but which isn't on the list. It's not easy - there's already a very comprehensive set of species there. But this is a candidate: Neodoris chrysoderma (length approx. 3cm), photographed on 7 November 1998 off Moon Island, near Swansea, New South Wales. The depth was approximately 20m, on rocky reef. By my experience, it's quite common along the New South Wales coast. It's also a species that's quite careful about its gills, retracting them at the slightest disturbance.
I hope this is in fact a new addition to your collection.
Schloegl, E., 1999 (Sep 30) Neodoris chrysoderma from New South Wales. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Erik,
Yes it is a new addition to the Forum. It's embarassing how many relatively common Australian species aren't yet on the list. If you have any records of it feeding or on a sponge I would be interested. Apart from the photo I've posted at the top of the page, I haven't much information on what it feeds on, its egg mass, or anything else about its biology.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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