Feeding behaviour in Gymnodoris striata
September 25, 1999
From: Scott Johnson

Hi Bill,
Continuing the story of Gymnodoris striata at Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands.
As I said, they liked to eat Plakobranchus ocellatus, which is typically present all the time. These four pictures show a couple of different Gymnodoris individuals eating Plakobranchus; the predator's body often contracted while consuming its prey.
Dear Scott,
Thanks for the photos. Can I assume from Johnson & Boucher (1983), that these Gymnodoris were about 50mm long? which would make the Plakobranchus about 20mm. I have posted some material on G. striata and 'G. amakusana', suggesting they may be colour forms of each other. There seems to be a bit of colour variability in the photos you have sent. If you have some photos showing a range in colour variability, they would be very welcome.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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