Janolus sp. from North Carolina, USA
June 17, 2005
From: Vlad Pambucol
I am trying to determine what species this nudibranch is.
The picture is taken off the coast of North Carolina, USA
Locality: Beaufort, North Carolina, USA, Atlantic. Depth: 70 ft. Length: 1 inch. 28 May 2005. Photographer: Vlad Pambucol
Vlad Pambucol
Pambucol, V., 2005 (Jun 17) Janolus sp. from North Carolina, USA. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/13997Dear Vlad,
From its general shape, this is a species of Janolus. [See Janolus barbarensis from the Pacific coast of Nth America] if you look carefully between the blue and white rhinophores there is a large orange swelling or caruncle which is charcteristic of these animals. In the close-up of the cerata alongside you can see in a few cases, a pair of brown ducts inside each ceras, which are ducts of the digestive gland.
As to a name. As far as I know it doesn't seem to fit any of the species of Janolus, or related nudibranchs, which have been described from the western Atlantic, or for that matter the eastern Atlantic. If anyone recognises it can they please let me know.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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Re: Janolus sp. from North Carolina, USA
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