Re: Elysia flavomacula? from South Korea
June 10, 2005
From: Kathe R. Jensen

Dear Bill and Koh,
Concerning message #13963
You are probably correct in identifying this as Elysia flavomacula. I am a little reluctant for 2 reasons. One reason is the lack of the yellow spot; the second reason is the apparent absence of the thickened glandular patches along the parapodial margins. But since Korea is quite a long distance from Hong Kong, I suppose that there could be some morphological variation.
I have attached a photo that I took of one of the original specimens. I cannot remember if it was the specimen I selected to be holotype. In any case it was collected and photographed in April 1986 (the 5th, 9th or 19th). It was about 12mm long.
Locality: Hong Kong, South China Sea. Length: 12 mm. April 1986. Subtidal on rocky substrate. Photographer: Kathe R. Jensen
Best wishes,
Dear Kathe,
Koh's animal looks much more like Leslie Chan's photo [message #4895] from Hong Kong than yours. The yellow spot on Leslie Chan's animal would seem to identify it as E. flavomacula, so it seems to link the Sth Korean animals to the Hong Kong populations
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman