Actinocyclus papillatus from Sth Korea

August 4, 2005
From: Dong Bum Koh

Dear Bill,

This is a photo of what I think is Actinocyclus papillatus (Bergh,1878) from South Korea. Could you please confirm this for me.

Locality:  Seogwipo. Bum islet, Jeju. Sth Korea. Depth: 26 m. Length: Approx. 100 mm. July 2005. Muddy. Photographer: Sung Han Cho

Best regards,
Dong Bum Koh

Koh, D.B., 2005 (Aug 4) Actinocyclus papillatus from Sth Korea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Dear Koh,
Thanks for these photos. Actinocyclus is one of the groups on the Forum which I have been planning to reorganise when I have time. Your interesting photos have made me sort out the photos of Actinocyclus I already have on the Forum. Your animal certainly fits Valdes's (2002) description of A. papillatus but both your animal, and mine from southeastern Australia [#14473 ], have much less white pigmentation than described by Angel Valdes. Your specimen is very large, very like some of the large species of Dendrodoris, such as D. carbunculosa.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman

Rudman, W.B., 2005 (Aug 4). Comment on Actinocyclus papillatus from Sth Korea by Dong Bum Koh. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

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