Actinocyclus papillatus from eastern Australia [3]
August 10, 2005
From: Bill Rudman

Compared with the specimen from northern new Suth Wales [message #14524], this specimen of Actinocyclus papillatus from southern Queensland, is a more typical specimen, with quite large papillae and scattered opaque white specks.
Locality: Pt Vernon, Hervey Bay, sthn Queensland, Asutralia, under rock at low tide 23 Oct 1976. AM C105714. Photo: I. Loch.
Bill Rudman
Rudman, W.B., 2005 (Aug 10) Actinocyclus papillatus from eastern Australia [3]. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
Actinocyclus papillatus from Hong Kong
From: Felix Poon, March 1, 2007 -
Actinocyclus papillatus from eastern Australia [2]
From: Bill Rudman, August 10, 2005 -
Actinocyclus papillatus from tropical eastern Australia
From: Bill Rudman, August 10, 2005 -
Actinocyclus papillatus from Hong Kong [1]
From: Bill Rudman, August 10, 2005 -
Actinocyclus papillatus from Hong Kong [2]
From: Bill Rudman, August 10, 2005 -
Actinocyclus papillatus - another from Sth Korea
From: Dong Bum Koh, August 5, 2005 -
Actinocyclus species
From: Bill Rudman, August 4, 2005 -
Actinocyclus papillatus from Sth Korea
From: Dong Bum Koh, August 4, 2005 -
Actinocyclus papillatus from eastern Australia
From: Bill Rudman, August 4, 2005