Is this Hypselodoris emma
August 26, 2005
From: Johny Leffelaer

Dear Dr.Rudman,
While my last holiday, I took pictures of many different nudi's, with some of them, i have an i.d. problem. Please can you help me with this one? I think it is Hypselodoris emma.
Divesite: Lapus-lapus, Malapascua island, Cebu. Philippines. 16 January 2005. Depth:16 meter. Size: 4 cm. Photo: Johny Leffelaer
Johny Leffelaer
Leffelaer, J., 2005 (Aug 26) Is this Hypselodoris emma. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Johny,
Yes this is Hypselodoris emma. It seems to have some damage to the anterior end of the mantle. Whether its a developmental mistake or regrowth after it has been injured I am not sure.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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