Radula of Acanthodoris planca
September 19, 2005
From: Shireen Fahey

PHOTOS: Acanthodoris planca CASIZ 171754. Radular morphology. A First lateral teeth. Scale = 100 µm. B. Close up of denticles. Scale = 50 µm. C. Outer lateral teeth. Scale = 50 µm. D. Jaw rodlets. Scale = 30 µm. [Figure 20 - Fahey & Valdés, 2005]
These photos illustrate some of the features of the radular and jaw plate morphology of Acanthodoris planca as discussed on the Fact Sheet. It has densely arranged, multifid jaw rods, a few large denticles on the inner lateral radular tooth and 6-7 elongate, pointed outer lateral radular teeth.
Fahey, S.J. and Valdés, A. 2005. Review of Acanthodoris Gray, 1850 with a phylogenetic analysis of Onchidorididae Alder and Hancock, 1845 (Mollusca, Nudibranchia). Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 56(20): 213-272.
Shireen Fahey
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