Risbecia from the Seychelles
November 12, 1999
From: Dick Ballendux

Dear Mr. Rudman,
Included are two images of which I'd like to have a confirmation or correction on their subject,s identity (if possible). The sources that I have at my disposal don't give me a 100% certainty.
The first one depicts a flatworm, that I've so far identified as a Pseudoceros lindae. I just haven't seen a picture of it yet that shows the same clear characteristics.
The second one, is dated 3 June 1998.
Taken in the Seychelles, Sisters Rock. Don't know the depth, but must be quite shallow. Rocky bottom, covered with algae, sponges, some coral. Considering the two nudibranchs attached and their colourful pattern I'd say they're Risbecia imperialis; but not sure....
Both photo's were taken by yours truly; admiring this impressive Forum,
Best regards,
Dick Ballendux
PS: My Indo-Pacific gallery can be visited at: http://www.library.tudelft.nl/~dball
(Just an enthusiastic, beginning uw-photographer).
Ballendux, R., 1999 (Nov 12) Risbecia from the Seychelles. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/1518Dear Dick,
I'm afraid I have to draw the line at sea slugs - I just don't have enough time. Today I also received queries on snails from the Mediterranean and N.America and landslugs from Australia. I suggest you look at my Flatworm page for contacts.
Your nudibranchs are definitely Risbecia and are doing the 'trailing' or 'queueing' behaviour so typical of the genus. Your animal is the Indian Ocean species Risbecia pulchella.
Congratulation on the beautiful photos on your website.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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